A downloadable game for Windows

Escape the castle!

This is a prototype game made for my CS50 final project. Features and programming challenges I wanted to explore were modular architecture and basic procedural generation. Based around the theme of Weekly Game Jam 168: Pass the Torch. Thanks to Tully for helping hash out an idea.

AWSD / Arrow Keys : Movement, Jump, Drop
J  : Attack
K : Block
R : Reset
Esc : Pause

 GitHub : Source


Rogue Torch 0.1 (x86) 36 MB


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Hey I've made a video about the game and wanted to share some feedback about it so hopefuly this is useful if you plan on continue developing the game :D

-Visual style is quite good :D

-Main concept interesting, maybe it could be upscaled to make the game bigger

-Combat could be more polished so it's not just back-forward-attack always. Also adding one or two more ennemies (with different move sets) could work.

That's all I wanted to share with you, hopefuly this ends up being useful to you for this game or your future ones :)


wow, i honestly can’t believe someone randomly stumbled upon this, thanks for playing!

all of those are stretch features I’d like to get to someday, but currently I’m deep in study and work so it’s hard to set aside time at the moment. 

Thank you so much for giving this little prototype a test!

Hahaha you're welcome :'). Hopefuly you'll have time for it someday :D

I wish you the best :D happy holidays by the way :).
